Mollipop 2.0


It’s been a bit quiet over here, and if you’re wondering why it’s because… Mollipop has moved! After a wonderful 2 years on WordPress, I have decided to completely relaunch my blog – and finally have the correctly spelt URL – using a different host site. Since graduating back in July I’ve had much more free time on my hands, and I’ve found that the quality of content on my blog now extends beyond the site itself. So, seeing as I was going to do a little rebranding and refreshing anyway, I thought I might as well go the whole hog and completely relaunch it!

You can now find me over on, my own domain, and so officially my own little space on the world wide web! I hope that you will continue to read my words, look at my pictures, and take inspiration from my posts over there. See you soon over on Mollipop.

Are you considering relaunching your blog? Have you ever done it before, and have any advice for me?

Current Beauty Favourites

SAMSUNG CSCLooking at these photos it could be the middle of May, with birds tweeting outside my window and a gentle breeze blowing through my open window. Alas, they were taken on a rare sunny January morning – but we can pretend, can’t we? Anyway, the Christmas stocking is a wonderful thing because it’s the perfect destination for beauty-sized presents that you don’t want to spend the money on yourself but need oh so badly, which is precisely where I got 3/4 of the products featured here from. Continue reading

Winter warmers

DSC_0120-3 It hasn’t exactly been the coldest of winters so far in London, in fact it’s quite the opposite and it’s been mild all the way through December. But as usual January brings with it a bitter chill, and so I can’t help but try to wrap up and block out the cold. That’s what this outfit is all about: an attempt to stay warm without hiding the essence of the outfit under bundles of layers and scarves. Continue reading

Happy new lots of things

IMG_0600So I blinked and suddenly it’s 2016, Christmas is over, and I’m facing three months without my boyfriend as he lives the ski bum life in Verbier on his ski season. The last two weeks have absolutely flown by as I’ve split my time between manic work hours, celebrating with my family, and spending as much time as possible with Elliot before he left yesterday. And now all that’s left is a dull and dreary January filled with broken resolutions and miserable people. BUT I do have a blog, and it seems to be an unwritten rule that I have to post about the year ahead. If I’m being honest I don’t have any “resolutions”, but there are several new things in my life right now that I’m going to embrace. Continue reading

Merry Christmas!


I have finally finished the last of my wrapping, my family have all returned home from work, and as of 3am this morning so have I! It’s been a bit of a struggle to ramp up the Christmas cheer recently because I work in retail, which has the power to drain anyone of their festivity and replaces it with stress, unsocial tendencies, and general pessimism about the holiday. But after working overnight to set up sale, I’m free for two whole days so I can properly enjoy Christmas with my family, and other loved ones.

However you’re spending today, Christmas Day, or Boxing Day – I won’t judge if you refuse to change out of your pyjamas, or if you open a bottle of prosecco at 10am – I wish you all a wonderful Christmas!

p.s. Can’t get over how adorable my wrapping tools are this year, from my new favourite place kikki.K!