Mollipop 2.0


It’s been a bit quiet over here, and if you’re wondering why it’s because… Mollipop has moved! After a wonderful 2 years on WordPress, I have decided to completely relaunch my blog – and finally have the correctly spelt URL – using a different host site. Since graduating back in July I’ve had much more free time on my hands, and I’ve found that the quality of content on my blog now extends beyond the site itself. So, seeing as I was going to do a little rebranding and refreshing anyway, I thought I might as well go the whole hog and completely relaunch it!

You can now find me over on, my own domain, and so officially my own little space on the world wide web! I hope that you will continue to read my words, look at my pictures, and take inspiration from my posts over there. See you soon over on Mollipop.

Are you considering relaunching your blog? Have you ever done it before, and have any advice for me?

Happy new lots of things

IMG_0600So I blinked and suddenly it’s 2016, Christmas is over, and I’m facing three months without my boyfriend as he lives the ski bum life in Verbier on his ski season. The last two weeks have absolutely flown by as I’ve split my time between manic work hours, celebrating with my family, and spending as much time as possible with Elliot before he left yesterday. And now all that’s left is a dull and dreary January filled with broken resolutions and miserable people. BUT I do have a blog, and it seems to be an unwritten rule that I have to post about the year ahead. If I’m being honest I don’t have any “resolutions”, but there are several new things in my life right now that I’m going to embrace. Continue reading

Birthday round-up

SAMSUNG CSCI don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22… Yes, the blessed and (somewhat) carefree age of 21 has been and gone as it was my 22nd birthday on Wednesday! The last year has taken me to Paris, skiing in Alpe d’huez, on an impromptu holiday to Italy, to Lake Como on my first family holiday in years, and most importantly it saw me graduate from Bristol university. Needless to say it has been a busy year! But now I’m 22, which I think makes me officially an adult (boo). Continue reading

A letter to my student self


I was touched by an article I was emailed from Bristol University containing letters from alumni to their past selves. Some mentioned regrets, some were proud of everything they did, and others had words of wisdom that would be useful to anyone embarking on the terrifying journey that is university. I thought it might be interesting to write a letter to my own 18 year old self, which I hope can comfort anybody who is on the cusp of their own adventure. Continue reading

Follow me on Bloglovin’

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It took me a while to find Bloglovin’ when I first started this blog, but since I have it’s been my go-to way of blogging! For me, there is a lot more to blogging than just posting your own content; reading about the style, opinions and lifestyle of other bloggers is definitely half the fun of it. First and foremost, Bloglovin’ allows you to follow blogs from other domains, not just WordPress for example, so you can expand who you follow as well as your own follower base. Not only this, but I find the site itself has a great layout, clean aesthetic, and makes it super easy to pick and choose the blogs and posts that you want to read, save for later, and comment on. If you haven’t already, I urge you to sign up and claim your blog on Bloglovin’ to discover a whole new side to the blogosphere, and to improve your own blogging experience! Follow me on Bloglovin’ here.
