Happy new lots of things

IMG_0600So I blinked and suddenly it’s 2016, Christmas is over, and I’m facing three months without my boyfriend as he lives the ski bum life in Verbier on his ski season. The last two weeks have absolutely flown by as I’ve split my time between manic work hours, celebrating with my family, and spending as much time as possible with Elliot before he left yesterday. And now all that’s left is a dull and dreary January filled with broken resolutions and miserable people. BUT I do have a blog, and it seems to be an unwritten rule that I have to post about the year ahead. If I’m being honest I don’t have any “resolutions”, but there are several new things in my life right now that I’m going to embrace.

1. New start. Okay so I can’t ignore that I now have to write a different number whenever I write the date down, especially since for the whole of January I’ll be writing ’15 first then angrily scribbling it out and replacing it with ’16. A new year is symbolic, and it is a natural point for change. I’ve had my six months of chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool since university and it’s time to get serious and make things happen (e.g. the following).

2. New relationship dynamic. So I know it’s not like I’m changing my Facebook relationship status to it’s complicated, but until April Elliot will be living the dream in the snowy mountains, whilst I’m stuck in a rainy London trying to find my way in this scary world alone. Long distance isn’t new to us, having survived through three years of uni apart, but sadly my bank account won’t allow me to be visiting him every fortnight like we did at uni! I’m just going to have to suck it up and go it alone, and I think this new dynamic will only do good things for my independence.

3. New career. Retail has served me well since my first job as a Christmas temp when I was 16. But I swear to god a girl can only hang up so many clothes when customers (who, by the way, are hardly ever right) are too lazy to hang them up themselves! I’m a philosophy grad looking to enter the futuristic world of digital marketing, and I’m now doing work experience to kickstart that career. I don’t have anything sorted for the rest of the year, but I’m hoping that 2016 will at least see the seed of my career planted, even if it takes a while longer to blossom.

4. New people. Every year brings new people into my life, and sees others gradually fade from it. If university taught me anything it was that you’re never too old to make great friends! With my new job prospects, and the potential to live abroad for a bit in the latter part of the year, I can’t wait to see which new faces become part of my life this year.

5. New blog. I’ve dabbled with Molipop for a few years now, and yet the most it’s grown has been in the last few months since I’ve actually been able to prioritise it. My degree came first, and I have no regrets about that, but now that I’m a free agent I’d like to have a space in the internet to document it; a space that is better suited to the quality of content that I hope I am able to provide for you all. So watch this space, because Mollipop 2.0 will be coming in the very near future!

So there you are, for me 2016 isn’t just a happy new year, it’s a happy new lots of things! Have a good’un.

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